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Spain: Catalonia to the polls in French, English and German newspapers. Elections not decisive and “fearful tasks” for those who win

The destiny of Catalonia entrusted to electors is drawing the attention of the press in lots of European countries today. “Elections with lots of variables in a much divided region” is the headline of Le Monde, regarding elections from three points of view: the one of the Catalan region, the one of Madrid, and the one of the EU. The opening of Le Figaro is also entirely dedicated to Catalonia, which “today elects the new Parliament”, but through this vote, “it will not put an end to the crisis with Madrid, definitely”. Election editorial for the Catholic daily La Croix, too. “Catalonia Hanging in the Balance”, and “Suspended Parliament” are the terms in the headline of The Guardian, thus explaining: “It would be wrong to see this vote as Catalonia against Spain: it is rather the battle of Catalans against Catalans”, which will cause “the only certainty that whichever party wins it will have to tackle two fearful tasks: repairing Catalans’ divisions, and make peace with Spain”. The Tageszeitung went to Amer, the home village of the separatist leader Puidgemont, to follow the elections, while the Frankfurter Allgemeine headlined “Diabolic Seduction”: its analysis faces the dilemma of “independence or unity”, characterising Catalans today, while in Germany CDU and SPD have already decided in favour of unity”.



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