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Pope Francis: video message to believers in Northern Peru, “I wish to meet you very much”

Pope Francis has sent a short video message to believers in Northern Peru, one month before visiting this Latin American country. The Pope sends his “warmest regards” to “believers in Northern Peru”, whom he will meet in Trujillo next 20 January; they will meet their “images, and the Virgin”. Pope Francis said: “I wish to meet you very much, to praise God, to thank God for your holy history… Peru has lots of saints!”. And the Pope added: “I greet you will all my heart, I bless you, and I ask you to pray for me”; he also asked the Virgin a special protection for Peruvian believers.

In the meantime, the Peruvian Bishops’ Conference (CEP) made known the video of the official hymn of the visit of Pope Francis to Peru, called Con Francisco a Caminar (Walking with Francis). The hymn was composed by musician Oscar Quiñones Enciso, and was interpreted by his sister Elizabeth. It was chosen out of 120 proposals received by CEP after the competition made by the Peruvian Church.


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