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Pope Francis: to the Roman Curia, “Faith not throwing us into crisis is crisis faith”. He gives two books to the present

“Christmas reminds us that faith not throwing us into crisis is crisis faith; faith not making us grow is faith which has to grow; faith not questioning us is faith about which we have to wonder; faith not animating us is faith which has to be animated; faith not upsetting us is faith which has to be upset”. At the end of his speech to the Roman Curia, the Pope used those metaphors to wish all the present merry Christmas. “A simply intellectual or tepid faith– said Francis – is just a proposal of faith, which may be real when it involves the heart, the soul, the spirit, and all our being, when we allow God to be born and re-born in the manger of the heart, when we allow the star of Bethlehem to guide us to the place where the Son of God lies, not among the kings or in luxury, but among the poor and the humble”. A quotation from Angelo Silesio: “It depends on you only: may your heart become a manger! God would be born a Child on the Earth again”. At the end of his speech, the Pope announced the cardinals, bishops and prefects present his Christmas gift. Two books: “Je Veux Voir Dieu” (I want to see God), by blessed Marie-Eugene de L’Enfant-Jésus, and “La Festa del Perdono” (The Feast of Pardon), made available by Card. Mauro Piacenza, drawing it up together with the Apostolic Penitentiary as result of the Jubilee of Mercy. “Reading it will do good to all of us”, said the Pope off text in relation to the first volume, a quite voluminous one: “Perhaps not all of it – he added – but looking up in the index what is more interesting for us, or what we need most”.


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