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Holy Land: Patton (Custos), “What may a child in diapers lying in a manger save us from?”

(Foto: AFP/SIR)

“Christmas is a salvation gift which may change our lives and our history, though at times it might seem the opposite, because of our experience, or owing to daily events”. Those words were spoken by the Custos of the Holy Land, Father Francesco Patton, in his Christmas message, made known this morning in Jerusalem. However, “What may a child in diapers lying in a manger save us from?” That is the provocative question of the Custos. First of all, says the text, a child in diapers “may save us from false life configuration: he doesn’t know about the value of money; he doesn’t know what a credit card is; he doesn’t need smartphone, Internet or Facebook to communicate. He simply asks for mother’s milk, the warmth of human touch, affection and care of somebody”. However, the child may also “save us from our living for ourselves only, thinking about our problems only! He is crying, and exactly for that, he forces us to forget some of our tears; he is hungry, and thus he forces us not to worry so much about our needs; he is in need of care and love, thus forcing us not to regard ourselves as the centre of the universe; he educates us to love!”. “A child in diapers may save us from our arrogance, insolence and pride, and from the wish to stand up for ourselves at all costs! – went on the Custos – he is defenceless, and disarms our hearts! He is not able to distinguish the rich from the poor, the weak from the powerful, the big from the small; he makes us all the same in front of him, making us feel little in the same way. He forces us to learn his language, to be kids again, with the simple words and gestures of the time we were little, without deception, without duplicity, and without wiles”. Finally, “he may rescue us from pessimism, distrust, fear of death, because he puts the mystery and the miracle of life in front of our eyes, and when he smiles, he is the very image of happiness; he makes us forget any discomfort, any anguish, any evil!”. “In that child, called Jesus, the very heart of God is beating– points out Father Patton – . The child of Bethlehem offers himself to us, and gives himself to us; he is able to donate the most beautiful smile, but at the same time he is fragile, defenceless and in need of everything. During this holy Christmas, may all of us open our arms to welcome the Child of Bethlehem kindly and warmly, and may we also welcome all the children showing us His presence”.

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