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Day of Migrants: EU Commission, “Europe wants to keep being the continent of solidarity, tolerance and openness”

(Brussels) To coincide with the World Day of Migrants, “may we remind you that Europe is built on the migration” of “millions of people who fled persecution, war or dictatorship”. And the EU letting its citizens “freely move, study and work in other countries makes Europe one of the richest places in the world, in terms of culture, economy, opportunities and freedom”. This is the opening of the message that five EU commissioners, along with the first deputy president, Frans Timmermans, and the High Representative, Federica Mogherini, issued today. “Protecting and supporting the fundamental rights and freedoms of all migrants, regardless of their status, have always been and will always be our priority”, says the message, which confirms the efforts made “inside and outside the EU” to work first and foremost to “save lives, give protection, provide legal and safe ways to migrants, and deal with the deep causes that force people to leave their homes”, as well as “fighting criminal networks”. The EU Commissioners speak of “shared responsibility for moving people” and the need for “global” action, with “everyone making efforts and consistently fulfilling the international agreements”. Europe wants to “keep being the continent of solidarity, tolerance and openness”. For people who are taken in, “we want the same as we want for Europeans: growing and contributing to a better future for our continent”.

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