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Austria: “Believing. Living”, an app to pray together, read the Scriptures and find Mass

In these days of Advent, the Catholic Church in Austria has launched an app, “Believing. Living”. It is “a daily spiritual companion all through the liturgical year – as explained on the official page of the service, at –: the Gospel, Saints of the Day, a service to find the times of Mass all over Austria and a prayers’ network are at the core of the app”. The Media Department of the Austrian Bishops Conference developed the app in partnership with the Austrian dioceses, which present the initiative precisely for the people who use smartphones as a daily mate and now also turn into a spiritual aid. The service provides two new special features: a praying feature and a search for Christmas services. They can be used to call and ask for prayers, so other users will answer and will find the time to pray: they can click to confirm “Someone is praying for you”. App users may join a digital prayers’ network. “There are lots of apps for praying, but this is the first time that, with our offering, people are given a real chance to form a community of devotees working on a digital network”, the communication director of the Austrian Bishops Conference, Paul Wuthe, said. The app provides a service to find Christmas liturgies all over Austria, from Lake Constance in the West to lake Neusiedl in the East. A Mass, living Nativity scene or organ concert will be available on one’s smartphone.

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