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Terrorism: Tawadros II, “there are those who use God’s name to justify violence”

(From Cairo) In Egypt, relations between Christians and Muslims “are excellent”, but “one must have the right view that some events may happen any time, and this is normal in a country with a population of nearly one hundred million”. This was said earlier today by the Orthodox Coptic Patriarch, Tawadros II, during a meeting at Cairo with some Italian journalists, to coincide with the pilgrimage of a delegation of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi in the footsteps of the Holy Family. One year ago, 29 people died after a terrorist attack a few metres from his residence, in the cathedral of St Mark. “We always try to solve such problems in the spirit of the one family. There are those who use God’s name to justify violence, but dialogue between us must become a message for peace”. Finally, Tawadros II mentioned “efforts to improve this view of religion in the Egypt and in the Arab countries”, “because terrorism is dangerous all over the world and tries to cover itself up in wrong religious lessons and concepts. We face two battles in Egypt: one against terrorism and violence, and one for the development of the country”.

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