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EU Parliament: Sacharov prize to democratic opposition in Venezuela. Tajani, “an honour for all Venezuelans”


(Strasbourg) “This year, the Sacharov prize has been won by Venezuela’s democratic opposition, especially the National Assembly (chaired by Julio Borges) and all the political prisoners listed in the Foro Penal Venezolano, represented by Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, Daniel Ceballos, Yon Goicoechea, Lorent Saleh, Alfredo Ramos and Andrea González”. This has just been said by the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, at the prize-giving ceremony that is taking place in the premises of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg. “Apart from the democratic opposition, the award goes to all the Venezuelan citizens across the world. I give my regards to part of the country’s diaspora that is here today. It is the first time an institution, the Asamblea Nacional Venezolana (Venezuelan National Assembly), has received such award. As any other parliament in the world – including ours –, it is a symbol of democracy and pluralism”. Tajani stated: “President Borges, the European Parliament will always recognise the National Assembly, democratically elected by the people of Venezuela. In giving this award, we defend the constitutions, institutions and the separation of powers. This is what democracy is built upon. As is freedom of expression”.



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