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Holy See: 20 action points for the Global Compact on migrants and refugees

New York. The Vatican proposes 20 action points for drawing up the Global Compact – the migrant and refugee agreement to be adopted by the UN in 2018. Four verbs – welcome, protect, promote and integrate – make up the suggestions of the Holy See. They are a sort of technical/practical guide for the people in charge of policies, and for anyone interested in improving the situation of migrants, refugees, asylum-seekers and the most vulnerable displaced people. The plan was prepared by the Migrant and Refugee Section of the Ministry for promoting integral human development. Before drawing up the document, several bishops’ conferences and Catholic NPOs operating in the field were consulted. Approved by Pope Francis, the 20 points include the best practices adopted by the Catholic Church in response to the needs of migrants and refugees all over the world. They do not include the whole teachings of the Church on this matter; however, they provide remarks and perspectives which may be used to develop dialogue of Catholics with their governments, in order to influence their positions with respect to the Global Compact. For instance, some points of the Vatican document are about the establishment of safe, legal and organised channels for migrants and refugees, in order to protect their lives. Governments are reminded to avoid arbitrary and massive expulsions not taking into consideration personal situations such as family reunification or war situations in their countries of origin. Special attention paid to repatriation, even voluntary repatriation. Repatriations should be adequately supported, and should not exacerbate critical situations. Moreover, a whole session is dedicated to the rights and the dignity of refugees and migrants; their social contribution is regarded as positive provided it is channelled through fair laws, preventing exploitation and increasing the value of their skills and knowledge. Special attention paid to minors: minors are the most vulnerable; for them, the Vatican mentions the Convention of the rights of the children, and suggests policies granting real protection. Integration and solidarity are thoroughly taken into consideration; several solutions are provided to facilitate relationships with hosting communities, as well as access to education and work market. The whole document is on the site of the Permanent Mission of the Holy See, at the UN.

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