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EU-Churches: Brussels, a meeting with religious leaders. Comments from mgr. Treanor, Figel and Timmermans

(Brussels) “Supporting the European project is an ethical and social imperative for religious communities”: monsignor Noel Treanor, bishop of Down and Connor (Northern Ireland), comments today’s Brussels meeting between the EU institutions and the religious leaders. Treanor, who was there on behalf of the Catholic Church, says that “today’s meetings in our places with the involvement of the local communities must go on”. Then, quoting Pope Francis, he adds that “the European Churches are not there to take up space but to launch and support processes for the citizens’ sake”. Questioned about the coincidence of the Soviet Revolution Jan Figel, special envoy of the Commission for Freedom of Religion and Opinion, states: “Europe is a project of peace and cooperation. There can be no comparison with the fortuitousness of today’s date. And I would like to add that, having spent half my life under an authoritarian government, I can see the difference and the added value of the EU, which is based on freedom”.


On his part, Frans Timmermans reflects: “The idea the Community is built upon is that he who is involved will share, will bind his fate to that of his neighbours. I mean, my identity and my nation must not ‘prevail’ over those of the others – which wars and violence come from – but must share peace, democracy and prosperity with them”. But market and economy seem to prevail … “I’d say market and money are tools and should be used as such. In the EU, we are experiencing imbalances and crises that we must face together. I think we cannot be truly happy unless we can share a common fate”.

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