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EU-Churches: Brussels, a meeting with religious leaders about values and identity, respecting diversity, Brexit, youth, tolerance

(Brussels) At the meeting between the EU institutions and the religious leaders that took place in Brussels today, they discussed – as reported by the attendees at a just-finished press conference – the future of the European project, values and identity, respecting differences, the believing communities’ contribution to the rule of the law and to social justice. But they also discussed Brexit, Poland, young people in Europe, employment, interreligious dialogue and the problem of religious intolerance. The EU was represented by Frans Timmermans, first deputy president of the European Commission, and by Mairead McGuinness, deputy president of the European Parliament. Many religious leaders were there too: monsignor Jean-Claude Hollerich, archbishop of Luxembourg; metropolitan Emmanuel of France, deputy president of the Conference of European Churches, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; imam Seyran Ates, Ibn Rushd-Goethe mosque of Berlin; metropolitan Cleopas of Sweden and all Scandinavia, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; Massimo De Feo, president of the European area of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; Ron Eichhron, president of the European Buddhist Union; Albert Guigui, chief rabbi of Brussels; imam Tareq Oubrou, grand imam of Bordeaux; Irmgard Schwaetzer, president of the Synod of the German Evangelical Church; monsignor Noel Treanor, Catholic bishop of Down and Connor; archbishop Urmas Viilma, Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church.

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