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Sweden: “Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Stockholm” in one book. Card. Arborelius, “our strongest identity”

Un'immagine contenuta nel libro pubblicato dalla diocesi di Stoccolma

The book “Year of Mercy in the Diocese of Stockholm” will be released tomorrow. “This is our way to remember a year that has been really significant and important for our Diocese”, Hellner Kristina, responsible for communications, tells SIR news agency. “It was the year in which we had our first Swedish Saint after 600 years”, Hellner explains, referring to Saint Mary Hesselblads, canonised on 5 July 2016 in Rome, “and also the year in which the Pope came to Sweden to take part in the historic commemoration of the anniversary of the Reformation”. Then there are some pages dedicated to the experience of young Swedes at World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland, to the Nordic Youth Meeting, as well as to Bishop Arborelius’ trip to the Middle East and to his meeting with Catholics in the region. In the 138-page book, 18 authors recount the “events of the Year of Mercy from different perspectives and points of view”. Card. Anders Arborelius writes in the preface: “This year has also strengthened us, Swedish Catholics, in our identity and made us feel fully involved in Swedish society”. This is “a good thing”, the Cardinal goes on to write, “but it also implies obligations”, first of all, that of “taking on greater responsibility in the promotion of the Christian faith”. The book will be presented in Stockholm tomorrow night during a panel discussion at the parish of Saint Eugenia.

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