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Denmark: Copenhagen, three “ecumenical” days of meetings and celebrations about the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

The Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church in Copenhagen will meet, starting tomorrow, Friday, December 1st, until Sunday, for an ecumenical event about the Reformation, that “revolution that turned into a movement that is now in its 500th year”, as the programme explains. It will start with three public workshops: on Friday afternoon, it will be about “The Reformation as a theological challenge today”, with guest speakers including the Catholic bishop of Copenhagen, Czeslaw Kozon, and the Lutheran bishop of Copenhagen, Peter Skov-Jakobsen. On Saturday, December 2nd, the topic will be “The Reformation as a movement: which ways should we go?” and it will “ecumenically” look at the Reformation from a Catholic, Evangelical and Orthodox perspective, with an eye on the future of the ecumenical process. The Catholic voice will be expressed by card. Gerhard Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith; the Evangelical voice will be that of German theologian Gerd Theissen, professor of New Testament at the Evangelical Faculty of Theology at Heidelberg, while Niels Henrik Gregersen, systematic theologian of Copenhagen, will speak of the relationship between the Reformation and Orthodoxy. The workshops will be ended by an ecumenical worship service, that will be celebrated on Sunday, December 3rd, designed as “a journey through the Reformation age, from 1517 to 2017”. The celebration will be officiated by the two bishops of the Danish capital, Peter Skov-Jakobsen and Czeslaw Kozon.

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