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COMECE: EU Strategy for Iraq, support from the Catholic Church. People, communities, rights and development at the centre

(Brussels) It is positive that the European Union is preparing a “Strategy for engagement with Iraq”. Even the Church in Europe, through the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE), has decided to take part in the elaboration of this strategy, also thanks to the “close dialogue” that the European bishops have with their brother bishops in Iraq. The fruit of such dialogue is the five-page document that, starting with the analysis of the “local context”, defines some “policy principles” that should direct the EU strategy for Iraq and lists a series of recommendations for initiatives in the short, medium and long term (full text available at The key idea dear to COMECE is that the EU supports “Iraq policy in developing people- and community-centered economic opportunities and sustainable development”. Indeed, the peace process will only be inclusive and long-standing if it is based on the “rule of law, human rights, justice and good governance”. Special attention should be paid to “empowering young people” so that they “take an active part at all levels of the economic, social and political life” of the country. Another important element in the case of Iraq is to acknowledge the “importance of the religious dimension and involve religious actors in all their diversity as key stakeholders” to re-build the future of the Iraqi people.






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