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Mladic sentenced to life: mgr. Tomasevic (Bishops Conference of Bosnia Herzegovina), “a late sentence. But what matters now is improving people’s everyday life”



According to the general secretary of the Bishops Conference of Bosnia Herzegovina, mgr. Ivo Tomasevic, the sentence against Mladic “comes a bit late. It has been 22 years since the Balkan war. Sarajevo was bombed for over three years, there were all the media…”. Tomasevic admits that the sentence issued by the International Court may be defined as a “sign of justice” by the international community, but, in his opinion, “it is more important to change the things that make everyday life difficult in Bosnia Herzegovina today, so the country can have a future”. “Our country – he states to SIR – needs an atmosphere in which evil is called by its name, openly, in order to lead to reconciliation, not to create further divisions”. In addition, mgr. Tomasevic mentions “the Dayton agreement that split the country into two, so many of the things done during the war have been legalised. The country is not well organised, and the price of such consequences is still being paid nowadays”. In his opinion, “a society must be built that has one single standard for all things, where everyone looks at a war crime as such. That’s the only way to achieve true justice and peace. A society where all ethnic groups and all the different populations can feel at home and have the same rights, which is not the case, for instance, for Croatians living in the area of the Serb Republic of Bosnia Herzegovina”.




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