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EU Commission: 28 million euros to Umbria and reconstruction of the Monastery of St Benedict in Norcia

La commissaria europea Corina Cretu


(Brussels) The European Commission will allocate 28 million euros from the cohesion policy fund to “revive the economy of a region, Umbria, that was devastated by a heavy earthquake”: 5 million of such funds will be invested to rebuild the Monastery of St Benedict in Norcia. This was stated in a release from Brussels’ Berlaymont. “Add to this an Italian co-fund of the same amount. Overall, 400 million euros’ Italian and EU funds will help rebuild and revive the economy of the four regions, Abruzzi, Lazio, Marche and Umbria, that were devastated by an earthquake in 2016 and in 2017. In this scenario, the reconstruction of the basilica will benefit from 10 million euros’ funds overall. The commissioner in charge of regional policies, Corina Cretu, states: “The reconstruction of this gem of the European cultural heritage in Norcia with cohesion policy funds will be a lasting symbol of the European Union’s solidarity with Italy, as recalled by president Juncker. The example of the Monastery of St Benedict in Norcia, the patron saint of Europe, brought back to its pristine glory with the help of young volunteers from France, Greece or Hungary, will inspire the future generations of Europeans”.


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