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+++ Catalonian independence: card. Blázquez Pérez (president of Bishops Conference), “a serious fact that disrupts our cohabitation” +++


“The unilateral Declaration of Independence of October 27th meant the disruption of the constitutional order that, as Spanish, we gave ourselves forty years ago”. This was said by the archbishop of Valladolid and president of the Spanish Bishops Conference, card. Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, in his speech to his Spanish brethren, gathered for their plenary meeting in Madrid since the morning. “We think that the Declaration of separation is a serious fact that disrupts our cohabitation, which goes far beyond differences between political groups”, the cardinal stated in his opening address, as reported by SIR. In the “Constitution”, the “result of everyone’s agreement”, “the widely shared wish for reconciliation had been translated into a fundamental rule for our cohabitation”. And this is why the separation “saddened and worried us”: and it is “understandable” that the Constitution needed to be updated, “it laid down itself how to make appropriate changes”. Throughout all this, “the Church, which effectively assisted with the political transition, even if this has not always been acknowledged, wishes to keep fulfilling is mission of reconciliation and pacification”. Bishops and priests “are there to serve ecclesial communion; and therefore also the citizens’ peaceful cohabitation” so much that “our giving up political activism” is born of a wish for “nobody to consider oneself alien to the Christian community”. And he concluded about this by claiming that “the reinstatement of the constitutional order, because it is a common good”, “adherence to the law”, “everyone’s efforts for social, ecclesial and family relations that have been negatively affected by such events may be renewed without infringing on anyone’s freedom, in mutual trust and peaceful agreement”. Because “cohabitation in diversity is possible, even today”.



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