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World Day of the Poor: Romania, bishop Robu opens a centre for families in difficulties in Bucharest

Inviting a poor to lunch on Sunday, set up a dinner for the poor in the parish, giving 1% of November salary to charity: those are the three proposals to Catholics in Romania, presented in a flier (which you can see here) sent to all the parish communities of the country. The World Day of the Poor is celebrated by the Romanian church through several initiatives. Apart from the Caritas initiatives, in the archdiocese of Bucharest, a community centre for children and families in difficulties will be opened on Saturday, 18 November. This Centre is in Campulung, in one of the oldest Catholic communities of the diocese. There are the Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle, who set up an association taking care of the destitute. The Centre will bear the name and the protection of blessed Vladimir Ghika, martyr priest, “master of charity”. Archbishop Ioan Robu, local authorities and the parish community will be present at the opening. Last Sunday, in the diocese of Iasi, the World Day was celebrated in advance through an initiative called “One million stars”: some candles were lit in ten centres, launching solidarity messages. Msgr. Robu himself made known a letter to all believers, inspired by the message of Pope Francis on the Day of 19 November. The same initiative was taken by bishop of Iasi, Msgr. Pietro Gherghel.

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