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EU: social summit in Goteborg. Caritas Europe, the “sinkies” are the new poor, young couples without children

Following a survey on youth poverty by Caritas Europe, the “sinkies” are the new young poor. The survey was made in 17 countries. They are “young couples without children. Though both of them work, their salaries do not produce a decent family income”; for that reason, they cannot have children. The acronym stands for “Single Income, No Kids”. The survey was presented in Goteborg, just before today’s social summit, during a press conference set up by Caritas Europe, Caritas Sweden, Eurodiaconia, and the Sweden Lutheran Church. “After decades, that will be the first generation possibly living in bad conditions with respect to their parents, with serious consequences in terms of social cohesion, social protection systems and models”, stated Secretary General of Caritas Europe Jorge Nuño Mayer, pointing out the risk of a “social shipwreck if we don’t take measures now”. Following the survey, “European societies gave up their commitments to social cohesion, neglecting young generations”, often “discriminated” and penalised by the current crisis in terms of “work agreements, work conditions, salaries, social security”. The weakest of the weakest are “singles with children”, above all, single women. The Churches also ask the EU to develop a properly-financed “strategy”, while countries are asked to foster access to houses, improving minimum salaries, and family support.

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