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World Day of the Poor: meetings, prayers, gestures of welcome in England and Wales

Louise has been helped by social services for years, getting in and out of drugs, prostitution, and alcohol, until she found “The Well”, a centre for women in difficulties in Sheffield, managed by the Baptist Church. A warm house, food and clean clothes, and above all, plenty of love, instead of coldness and distance – she said – persuaded her that she might do it. Today she has a flat, and she’s looking for a job. Her story is one of the stories proposed to Catholic parishes in England and Wales, as a cue for homilies, or meetings, during the World Day of the Poor, on Sunday 19 November. “Together with Caritas Social Action ( – the agency of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales operating in the service of the poorest, and with the Società di San Vincenzo de’ Paoli – we have prepared prayers which can be used by organisers for moments of spiritualism, or suggestions for the sermons of priests”, said Nana Anto-Awuakye, spokeswoman of “Cafod” (, the charity organisation of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference. “Our site has an audio line which can be used by associations, or during meetings in the parish rooms after the Mass, or even during liturgy of children”. The bishops of England and Wales are fostering parishes to have the outcast participating in their meetings, “however avoiding making them feel different or excluded”.

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