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Pope Francis: audience, “we go to Mass, not to a museum”. Be “like children”, not like “parrots”

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

“To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must become childlike”. Pope Francis said this during his general audience today, explaining that “children know how to trust, they know that someone will take care of them, of what they will eat, of what they will wear, and so on”. “This is the first attitude”, he said: “Trust and confidence, like that of a child in his parents; knowing that God remembers you and takes care of you, of me, of everyone”. The second “attitude”, proper to children, which we should also adopt, is to “allow ourselves to be surprised”: “A child – Pope Francis explained – always asks a thousand questions, because he wants to discover the world, and is surprised even by small things because everything is new to him. In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we should let ourselves be surprised”. “In our relationship with the Lord, in prayer, do we allow ourselves to be surprised?”, the Pope asked the faithful: “Or do we think that prayer means talking to God as parrots do?”, he added off the cuff: “No! Prayer means trusting and opening our hearts to let ourselves be surprised”. “Do we let ourselves be surprised?”, Pope Francis continued: “Because God is always the God of surprises, because our encounter with the Lord is always a living encounter, it is not a museum. We go to Mass, not to a museum, to a living encounter with the Lord”.

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