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Environment: Card. Marx, “climate-damaging emissions must be reduced, there’s the world at stake”

“It’s time to move on to reduce climate-damaging emissions. Likewise, the developed countries must fund the measures to reduce the damage and loss caused by climate change in the poorer countries”. These are the wishes made by Card. Reinhard Marx, president of the German Bishops Conference, just before the “high-level meeting” that will mark the end of Cop23. Heads of state and government are actually expected to come from all over the world on Wednesday November 15th and on Thursday November 15th for the last stage in the UN Climate Change Conference. Mentioning the encyclical Laudato si’, in a notice issued today, the Cardinal says that “all politicians must also take responsibility for the ‘common house’, as the Pope urged to do”. Speaking of the negotiations that are taking place in Berlin about a new government coalition and the negotiations about climate in Bonn, started in November 6th, Card. Marx stated that “personal interests cannot be one-sidedly put first”. According to the Cardinal of Munich, “there’s no less than the world at stake, here, as it is threatened by unlimited CO2 emissions. We can no longer play for time, we must act bravely”.

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