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Media: fake news. EU Commission sets up high-level expert group and starts public consultation

(Strasbourg) The EU Commission put on line a public consultation about fake news and online misinformation, and set up a high-level expert group with members from the academic world, online platforms, mass media and civilian organisations. Actually, fake news are considered a threat for the right to information, democracy and the European integration process. The first deputy president of the EU Commission, Frans Timmermans, states: “The freedom to receive and give information and the pluralism of the media are sanctioned in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We live in an age in which the flow of information and misinformation has become unstoppable. That’s why we must give European citizens the tools to detect fake news, increase online confidence and handle the information they receive”. The European Parliament had recently taken position about this. Today, the EU Commission confirms that this is a priority, by including the initiative against online fake news in its 2018 agenda. The online public consultation will be open until February 2018, and a EU Commission will issue a report in late Spring.

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