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Pope Francis: at Disarmament Symposium, “effective and inclusive progress” needed for a world free of weapons

“We need to reject the culture of waste and to care for individuals and peoples labouring under painful disparities through patient efforts to favour processes of solidarity over selfish and contingent interests”. This is the invitation addressed by Pope Francis in his speech to the participants in the International Symposium on Disarmament that is taking place at the Vatican until tomorrow. For Pope Francis, “this also entails integrating the individual and the social dimensions through the application of the principle of subsidiarity, encouraging the contribution of all, as individuals and as groups. Lastly, there is a need to promote human beings in the indissoluble unity of soul and body, of contemplation and action”. According to the Pope, only “progress that is both effective and inclusive can achieve the utopia of a world free of deadly instruments of aggression, contrary to the criticism of those who consider idealistic any process of dismantling arsenals”. In this sense, “the teaching of John XXIII remains ever valid. In pointing to the goal of an integral disarmament, he stated: ‘Unless this process of disarmament be thoroughgoing and complete, and reach men’s very souls, it is impossible to stop the arms race, or to reduce armaments, or – and this is the main thing – ultimately to abolish them entirely’”. The Church, for its part, “does not tire of offering the world this wisdom and the actions it inspires, conscious that integral development is the beneficial path that the human family is called to travel”.

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