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Day against the Death Penalty: EU and Council of Europe, “incompatible with human dignity”. Worldwide moratorium

“Firm and unmistakable” is the “opposition to the death penalty, any time, any way” voiced by Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Thorbjørn Jagland, secretary general of the Council of Europe, in a joint statement to coincide with the World Day Against the Death Penalty. “Incompatible with human dignity”, it is an “inhumane, debasing deed”, with no “documented deterrent effect, and it makes legal mistakes irreversible and lethal”, the message says. Such practice has been “banned in all the member states of the EU and the Council of Europe”, except Belarus, that, in the statement, is called to “enforce a moratorium, as a decisive step to bring the country closer to pan-European legal rules”. Both institutions make a “powerful appeal” to the countries across the world where it still applies, that they “may promptly enforce a moratorium on executions” and “convert unexecuted death sentences into detention”. Satisfaction is expressed for “the global tendency to repeal death penalty” that is happening in two thirds of the world’s countries. And they insist on a commitment: to support, within the United Nations, “the world’s abolitionist trend”, with “all the means they have, to fight torture and the other serious breaches of human rights that are associated with the enforcement and execution of death penalty”.

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