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Comece-Holy See: Rome, a conference, “(Re)thinking Europe – A Christian contribution to the future of the European project

Una delegazione della Comece in visita da Papa Francesco

Cardinal Pietro Parolin (Vatican State Secretary), cardinal Reinhard Marx (president of Comece) and Frans Timmermans (first deputy president of the EU Commission) will be opening the international conference named “(Re)thinking Europe – A Christian contribution to the future of the European project”, which will take place in Vatican City from 27th to 29th October. The initiative has been taken by Comece (Commission of the EU Bishops Conferences) and by the Holy See, to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, which, back in 1957, set off the European integration process. “Now that the future of the European Union looks uncertain – the promoters explain –, a chance is offered for dialogue and for a joint reflection with Pope Francis”. The initiative (by invitation only) is mainly addressed to bishops, lay Catholic associations, politicians and some young people and experts from different countries. The conference will try to emphasise the “commitment of the Catholic Church to finding new solutions and new ways to live together in Europe”. 130 people are expected to attend.

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