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Catalan issue: debate in Strasbourg. Weber (EPP), “as a Bavarian, I say that national unity is compatible with regional identity”

The only way to overcome the Catalan impasse is “dialogue”, “the return to politics”, avoiding “all forms of violence, from both sides”. The ongoing debate at the European Parliament on the Catalan issue shows a wide range of positions that, apart from a few extreme views, all agree on the need to create space for a political debate, within the law and the Constitution. Several parties voiced harsh criticism about the use of violence by police, and the finger was pointed at the head of government Mariano Rajoy. The Catalan authorities were also finger pointed and blamed for having “deceived the people” and for “not representing the majority”. EPP leader Manfred Weber defended the actions of the Government of Madrid and the national unity: “We are faced with a conflict that can only be resolved by the Spanish people. The European Union has no right to intervene in an internal affair”. If anything, the European Commission can play a role of mediation. Weber went on to say: “As a Bavarian, I can testify that national unit is compatible with regional pride and identity”. And he went on to say: “If the Catalans leave Spain, it must be clear that they also leave the EU”. The Union is “unity in diversity, enhancement of local diversities. But local egoism must never prevail; today, we need more solidarity in Europe”.

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