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Switzerland: “Tell it to the Pope”, an initiative of the youth pastoral service of Zurich in the run-up to the Synod

“The Pope wants to know what young people think, and so do we”. That’s why the youth pastoral service of the Zurich canton launched the “Tell it to the Pope” initiative, in the run-up to the Synod on Youth of 2018. The Zurich team prepared five questions for the young, who can answer “in writing, with a video or with a picture”: “Who is God to you? If you could commit to just one thing in life, what would that be? What is “cool” in the Church, and what is not? What is the ideal Church like, in your opinion? What else would you like to tell the Pope?”, these are the questions. The deadline is October 29th. To help those “who cannot find the words”, a “Popemobile”, a little truck, will be going around from September 22nd to October 6th to meet young people at school and in the places where they meet, and ask them to answer and speak up. But they can also reply online, and, if they do, they will join a prize draw for a “short trip to Rome”. Also online, the full questionnaire of the Episcopal Synod is available on the website of the Zurich pastoral service.

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