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EU Parliament: Brexit, little progress in negotiations with London. Vote on combating crime and online abuse

The plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg is underway until 5 October, with a busy schedule. The agenda was changed to insert a debate (without resolution) on “Constitution, rule of law and fundamental rights in Spain in the light of the events in Catalonia” at 15.00 on Wednesday. This morning, MEPs are scheduled to discuss Brexit with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and chief negotiator for Brexit Michel Barnier. Discussion will focus on the limited progress made by the British Government in the first four rounds of negotiations on the terms and conditions that the UK will have to comply with to leave the EU. Tomorrow MEPs – in the presence of the Commission and the EU Council – will instead discuss the topics on the agenda of the upcoming European Council on 20-21 October, which is likely to be “very challenging”. Indeed, the Summit will address the following topics: Brexit, migration and a common asylum policy, defence policy, relations with Turkey. During their meeting in Brussels, the Heads of State and Government will also address terrorism and the recent events in Catalonia and will be informed about the stance of the European Parliament by EP President Antonio Tajani. Today the European Parliament is due to vote on a report on the rise in online sexual abuse and cybercrime. MEPs call for public and private investment in cyber security and for more cross-border cooperation among police forces.

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