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Spain: Cordoba, end of 138th southern bishops’ Assembly. A Caritas Andalusia report, 340 thousand people helped

On October 24th and 25th, the city of Cordoba, Spain, hosted the CXXXVIII ordinary assembly of the Southern Spanish Bishops’ conference (Odisur), that includes the dioceses of Seville, Granada, Almeria, Cadiz and Ceuta, Cordoba, Guadix, Huelva, Jaén, Asidonia-Jerez and Malaga. The emeritus bishop of Cadiz and Ceuta attended it too, as reported by a press release issued today. After the spiritual retreat led by don Antonio Hiraldo Velasco, priest in Seville and General Secretary of Odisur, the president of the region’s Caritas Andalusia, don Mariano Pérez de Ayala, presented the 2016 yearly report about Andalusia’s Caritas agency’s work. In 2016, Caritas invested over 39 million euros in Andalusia, 26 million of which came from private funds and 13 million from public funds. 342,893 people benefited from Caritas Andalusia’s efforts through several projects. In the ten dioceses of Andalusia, there are 1,201 parish-wide Caritas agencies, their mission being that of making the parish a helpful go-to place. In 2016, 11,092 people went through the bespoke job and social inclusion schemes of Andalusia’s Caritas agencies. Caritas Andalusia also worked out schemes for homeless people (7,540 people); children, with 6,361 recipients; and immigrants (5,981). At their ordinary assembly, the bishops approved the start of the diocesan process for the cause of the canonisation of the servant of God, Maria Antonia de Jesus Tirado Ramírez, of the Third Order of Santo Domingo, the founder of the Motherhouse of Dominican Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, in Jerez de la Frontera.

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