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Sweden: 50th anniversary of the Reformation, an “ecumenical youth meeting” in Uppsala

An “ecumenical youth meeting” will mark the end of Sweden’s celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, opened one year ago in Lund by a visit of Pope Francis and the president of the World Lutheran federation, bishop Munib Yunan. On October 28th, the Newman Institute in Uppsala will be hosting a meeting for young people of the Church of Sweden (Lutherans) and the Catholic Church: “the subject of the meeting will be the document ‘From conflict to communion’, especially the five imperatives that the two communities subscribed to in Lund Cathedral one year ago”, a release posted on the website of the diocese of Stockholm states. “The purpose of the meeting is to inspire similar agreements on a local level”. The meeting will end with a “short procession to the Cathedral of Uppsala, where the Vespers will be officiated by card. Anders Arborelius and by the archbishop of the Church of Sweden, Antje Jackelén. The celebration of the Vespers will be aired by the national TV, Svt, on November 5th. On that day, the release goes on, “the groups of dialogue that have been discussing the document ‘From conflict to communion’ for two years will submit the results of their discussions and will suggest topics for future talks”. The results of the two-year process will eventually be collected in a publication.

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