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EU Parliament: plenary meeting in Strasbourg starting today. Winner of the Sacharov prize announced Thursday

Strasburgo: una veduta dell'emiciclo dell'Europarlamento

On Thursday October 26th, the president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, will announce the winner of the Sacharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. The announcement will be made during the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, convened from today to Thursday. The plenary session will also discuss the outcome of last week’s European Council and freedom of expression, after the tragic demise of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the murdered Maltese journalist. On Tuesday October 24th the MEPs will discuss the plague of sexual harassment, following the Hollywood sex harassment scandal and the #metoo and #quellavoltache campaigns, in which women revealed on social media the harassment they have been the victims of. Other items on the agenda include the fight against the new drugs, the new Schengen system to upgrade European border control, the trade agreement with Australia and New Zealand, and the ban on glyphosate herbicides that will be enforced in December 2020. A resolution that will be discussed in the evening, on opening the session, and voted on tomorrow, is about the establishment of a minimum income scheme, considered to be “one of the most effective ways to take people out of poverty”.


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