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Ccee: yearly meeting of Eastern European Catholic Bishops. “Announcing, knowing and living faith in Christ”

The yearly meeting of Eastern European Catholic Bishops is taking place in London this year, at the invitation of mgr. Hlib Lonchyna, bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of the Holy Family of the British capital, to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Apostolic Exarchate for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic devotees in Great Britain. The Exarchate was raised to the status of an Eparchy in 2003. The date is October 26th to 29th and the subject is “Announcing, knowing and living faith in Christ”. This year, the meeting of the Eastern European Catholic Bishops will be focussed – as a notice from Ccee says – on the announcement, celebration and exploration of Christ’s Gospel. The choice of subject was dictated by the many challenges, such as the migration of many Eastern Catholics to regions and countries of a different Christian tradition or different denominations; the challenges of an individualistic and consumerist culture that sees religion as a mere commodity … The Eastern Catholic Churches are trying to respond to such challenges through the rediscovery of some distinctive features of their own eastern tradition”. “In Europe, today, many people are distant from religion”, Bishop Hlib Lonchyna says. “Christianity, which for centuries has livened up and inspired the life of entire generations of citizens across the continent, is now too often perceived as a mere institution and as a stifling set of precepts and rules to be followed. We must instead make people rediscover the beauty of the personal and communal encounter with Christ”.

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