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Pope Francis: audience, delegates of World Conference of Religions for Peace received shortly before

The Pope arrived in St Peter’s Square at 9:15 this morning, while groups of faithful were still lining up to access the square from the entrance near the Holy Office. Large crowds flocked to the various sectors of the square, and watching over them were still the tapestry portraits of the Saints canonized last Sunday. Shortly before the audience, in the room adjacent to the Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis received in audience the delegates of the World Conference of Religions for Peace, reminding them that “peace is an urgent task in today’s world, where many people are torn apart by war and violence”. For this reason, “believers of all religions are called to invoke it and plead for it; and all men and women of good will, especially those who hold positions of responsibility, are called to work for it, with their hearts, minds and hands, yes, because peace is built in an artisanal way. In this work, peace and justice are built together”. “With their spiritual and moral resources, religions have a specific and irreplaceable role to play in the building of peace”, Pope Francis said: “they can not have a neutral attitude and, even less, an ambiguous attitude with regard to peace. Those who commit violence or justify it in the name of religion, gravely offend God, who is peace and the source of peace and has left in the human being a reflection of His wisdom, power and beauty”.

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