Daphne Galizia’s murder: Mgr. Scicluna (Maltese Bishops), “Appeal for a united country to promote true democracy”

“Great shock and sadness” at the death of journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia, killed yesterday in Bidnija, Island of Malta, was expressed by Mgr. Charles Jude Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta, in a tweet posted last night on his profile. The journalist was killed in a bomb blast that blew up her car while she was on board. She died instantly. Fifteen days ago, she had submitted a complaint to the police after receiving death threats. “Great shock and sadness”, the Archbishop wrote, “for the brutal murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia”. In his tweet Mgr. Scicluna calls for “a unified response” by the country to “promote true democracy”.


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