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Politics: The Spinelli Group, a workshop in Paris about “Building a new Europe together”. A reflection on the future of the euro and EU’s defence

“The pro-European momentum given by the election of president Emmanuel Macron marked a special turning point in the role that France is ready to play in the development of the European project and reopened the debate about the future of Europe. Now, there are ambitious reforms on the agenda, to create an economically and politically more united, democratic Europe that is closer to its citizens”. This is briefly the assumption which the Spinelli Group, the European political movement born in 2010 to revive the European integration process from a federalist perspective, will take inspiration from, at its yearly meeting in Paris on October 20th. “Building a new Europe together” will be the subject of the discussion, with European and national political leaders, along with social and citizens’ associations. This year, the general subject will be approached through two preliminary insights: the future of the euro and European defence. The meeting will end with a workshop on “France’s role in the completion of European political unity”. Afternoon speakers will include Pierre Moscovici, European commissioner for economic and financial affairs, Marielle de Sarnez and Sabine Thillaye, presidents of the Commission for Foreign Affairs and of the Commission for European Affairs, respectively, at the French National Assembly, several MEPs, journalists and experts.

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