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Germany: mgr. Bode (Osnabrück), “interreligious dialogue must not be overlooked”. “No to nationalism”

The bishop of Osnabrück, mgr. Franz-Josef Bode, made a call to the German churches, especially to his own diocese, to have a joint commemoration of the Reformation and raise awareness of their responsibilities for faith and for the world. “In an increasingly lay society, interreligious dialogue must not be overlooked”, Bode said yesterday to about 200 guests from the church, economic and cultural communities. The bishop also pointed out that the devotees must “voice their rejection of nationalism and populism when faced with the big problems of the social inclusion of refugees”. In addition, the churches “must prevent religion being associated with hatred and violence, which are born of the threat of terrorism”, because “this is important to show they jointly support freedom and tolerance”. Bode pointed out that such issues will be discussed at the International Meeting for Peace, organised by Comunità di Sant’Egidio, in Osnabrück and Münster in September, which will be attended by the main church and religious leaders as well as thousands of devotees from all backgrounds and faiths. “The more religion is betrayed by violence, the more potential we have to create peace”, the bishop emphasised.

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