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Poland: don Sadlon (Statistics Office), 40% of Catholics regularly go to Sunday Mass

“39.8% of Polish Catholics go to Sunday Mass”, don Wojciech Sadlon, director of the Statistics Office of the Polish Church, revealed today. In presenting the 2015’s figures, the director pointed out that the number of “dominicantes” is slightly higher than last year’s (39.1% in 2014), and the number of communicantes has increased too (17%) from 2014’s 16.3%. In 2015, the area of the 10,248 Catholic parishes was home to 35.5 million residents, with 32.7 million (92%) Catholics. In the parishes, the congregations were served by 20,800 priests and over 7 thousand nuns. Moreover, nearly 500 other pastoral service centres work all over the country. In addition, Don Sadlon mentioned the actual number of sacraments given in Polish parishes in 2015, pointing out that the “devotees’ approach to the tangible signs of grace has a massive character in Poland”, and he supported such statement with figures, such as 369 thousand baptised people, 360 thousand Confirmed people, 270 thousand people who received First Communion, and 134 thousand marriages celebrated in Poland in 2015.


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