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Massacre in Canada mosque: bishops, “attacking the rights and freedom of members of all religions”

The Canadian bishops firmly and harshly condemn the terrorist attack on the Islamic Culture Centre of Quebec from in a release signed by their president, monsignor Douglas Crosby, bishop of Hamilton. In the message, received by SIR, the bishops say they are “shocked” and condemn “in the firmest terms such acts of deadly violence”. It is, they write in their release, “a breach of the holiness of human life, an attack on the rights and freedom of the members of all religions to meet and pray according to their deepest beliefs. A wound on the peace, order and quiet of our country and its communities, a desecration of a place of prayer and worship”. The Canadian bishops join Pope Francis and cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, archbishop of Quebec and primate of Canada, in sending the victims, their families and friends the sympathy and prayers of the Canadian Catholics too. “As people of faith, we sincerely pray for the victims’ souls, and for consolation and peace to be in the hearts of those who grieve the loss of their loved ones”.

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