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Pope Francis: telegram of condolence for the victims of the terrorist attack in Canada

“Having learnt of the terrorist attack in Québec, in a hall of prayer of the Islamic Culture centre”, the Pope “entrusts the people who have lost their lives to God’s mercy, and, through prayer, he shares their families’ pain”. This is written in a message of condolence for the victims of the terrorist attack that happened last night in a Mosque in Québec, Canada, sent on the Pope’s behalf by the Secretary of State, cardinal Pietro Parolin, to the metropolitan archbishop of the city, cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, whom he met this morning, after the usual Mass in St Marta, emphasising “the importance of staying united in prayer, Christians and Muslims, at such times”. The cardinal, who was visiting Rome, immediately left for Canada. In the telegram, Francis also expresses “sympathy with the injured people and their families, as well as with all the rescuers, asking the Lord to bring them comfort and consolation in their trials”. Finally, the Pope “firmly condemns”, once again, “that violence that causes so much grief” and begs God for “mutual respect and peace!”

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