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Brexit: Convery (Glasgow bishop’s spokesman), “London will not listen to Scotland. A new referendum on independence is most likely”

“Brexit could cause Scotland to separate from the United Kingdom, because the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has not wanted to make sure yet we can still have access to the European single market”. According to Ronnie Convery, spokesman of the Catholic archbishop of Glasgow, Philip Tartaglia, “May’s hard approach to the negotiations with the European Union is alienating the Scottish, the vast majority of whom – two out of three – voted to stay in the European Union at the referendum on Brexit”. “The leader of the Scottish nationalist party, Nicola Sturgeon, submitted at least three plans to the British Prime Minister, asking that Scotland might keep being part of Europe or at least keep having special relationships with it, but such plans have not been listened to”, Convery explains. “A new referendum to separate Scotland from Great Britain is therefore “very likely”. Right now, in Cardiff, the Prime Minister, Theresa May, is meeting the leaders of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland who want to stay with the European Union, hoping to find a compromise. In the meantime, the Scottish nationalist party, the SNP, is getting ready to submit 50 amendments to Westminster during the debate about the bill of law that will entitle Theresa May to invoke article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty by March, thus kick-starting Great Britain’s divorce from the EU, in the attempt to protect Scottish interests by slowing down the legislative process.

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