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Poland: 2017 dedicated to Saint Albert Chmielowski, “Model and supporter of active charity”

Polish bishops and MPs dedicated the year 2017 to Saint Albert. It will be “a perfect continuation of the extraordinary Jubilee of mercy”, wrote the bishops in the message pointing out how the example of the Saint “shows us the way to put Christian mercy into practice”. Saint Albert (Adam Chmielowski, 1845-1916) was a Polish religious and professed member of the Third Order of Saint Francis, founder of the congregations of the Brothers of the Third Order of Saint Francis Servants of the Poor, and of the Albertine Sisters. In 1989, he was canonised by John Paul II. “We wish to present that extraordinary personage as model and supporter of active charity”, said the bishops, recalling that Karol Wojtyla dedicated one of his plays (The Brother of Our God) to Adam Chmielowski. Apart from being a reliable witness of evangelical poverty, and of total devotion to God – said the bishops – as “Patron of the poor”, Saint Albert teaches everyone “the dignity of every human being, the need to respect and be good with every person, because every person is in the image and likeness of God”. The bishops hope the year of Saint Albert may “bring about change and move hearts to higher sensibility for the poor”. The Polish parliament passed the law relating to the Year of Saint Albert before the 100th anniversary of the death of Chmielowski, occurring on 25 December 1916.





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