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Pope Francis: audience, “women are braver than men”

“This is my opinion: women are braver than men”. These off-the-cuff remarks by Pope Francis were greeted with a round of applause from the some 6,000 faithful gathered in the Paul VI Hall today. “This woman, this widow, takes a risk: the risk of even losing face in front of others, but she is brave, she goes ahead”. With these words, the Pontiff paid tribute to the biblical figure of Judith, the focus of today’s catechesis. “In the face of such great despair, the leader of the people tries to propose a ‘toehold’ of hope: to hold out for five more days, waiting for God to intervene and save them”, Pope Francis recalled. “But it is a weak hope, for he says in the end: ‘But if these days pass by, and no help comes for us, I will do what you say’”. “Poor man, he had no way out”, the Pontiff continued off the cuff: “Five days are given to God – and this is a sin – to intervene. They will wait five days, but they are already sure of their end. Indeed, no one from among the people can still hope”. “They give God five days to save them, but they have no trust, they await the worst”, the Pope added, always speaking off the cuff. It is in such situation that Judith makes her appearance on the scene: “She is a widow, a woman of great beauty and wisdom, and she speaks to the people in the language of faith”. “She is brave in that she overtly rebukes the people”, Pope Francis continued off the cuff, citing the words of the woman: “You are putting the Lord Almighty to the test. No, my brethren, do not provoke the Lord our God to anger. For if He does not choose to help us within these five days, He has power to protect us within any time He pleases, or even to destroy us in the presence of our enemies. Therefore, while we wait for His deliverance, let us call upon Him to help us, and He will hear our voice, if it pleases Him”. “This is the language of hope”, the Pope remarked off the cuff: “Let us knock at the door of God’s heart, He is our Father, He can save us”.

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