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Austria: Salzburg Caritas, new accommodation to protect homeless from cold

“Here in Salzburg, no-one will freeze”. With those words, Director of Caritas in the diocese of Salzburg Johannes Dines announced the opening of “Arche Süd”, a new accommodation for welcoming the homeless in case of need, as in the situation occurring all over Austria in these days, with a polar low-pressure area seriously endangering the poor in the city. “The Haus Franziskus – the shelter now working – does not meet all the needs of the homeless in Salzburg”, said Dines while presenting the new night haven. “With these temperatures, we have to take measures to help the people forced to sleep in the street”. And the cold is increasing, says the weather forecast. “In the next few weeks, double-figure night temperatures are expected, below zero”, said the Salzburg Caritas. The house “Arche Süd” has about 20 beds created through charity within the diocese, plus another 70 already operating in the Haus Franziskus. For managing emergency and the new accommodation, additional full-time staff and volunteers are taking care of emergency cases. Caritas has officially required collaboration of the people in Salzburg to point out destitution or alarming situations immediately, by sending the people recommended by the social service to the railways station or the Haus Franziskus.

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