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Message for Social Communication: mgr. Viganò, “the truth can be found amidst rumours, half truths, lies”

“Communication does not mean siding with one team against the other. The truth, as in the story of the good wheat and the weeds, can actually be found amidst rumours, half truths, lies. This is why the communicator’s professionalism and propriety are decisive, as the communicator cannot be reduced to being the soundbox of public opinion (a court’s sins) just to impress and gain easy support”. Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, prefect of the Secretariat for Communication, comments with SIR on Pope Francis’s message for the 51st World Day for Social Communication. “Understanding the complexity of real life – he adds – requires an interpretative effort that cannot be reduced to the extemporary facts, but one that knows how to read the passing of time to grasp the deep meaning of things”.

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