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Message for Social Communication: mgr. Viganò, “distinguishing in any event what happens between God and mankind”

“The communicator who wears the right glasses, who has eyes that see God because he experiences Him and, because of this, shows Him, is the one who knows how to tell facts, even dramatic or even tragic ones, recalling and suggesting that even the worst scenario can be the one that offers love unusual paths of closeness and hope”. Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, prefect of the Secretariat for Communication, reflects with SIR about Pope Francis’s message for the 51st World Day for Social Communication. “A communicator whose eyes have been made clear by the Holy Spirit can see the Kingdom thrive and does not let himself be robbed of the joy of the Kingdom by ubiquitous discord”, but, the prefect warns, to do this, one must “be able to distinguish in any event what happens between God and mankind, finding that, in the dramatic scenario of this world, He is unfolding the plot of a story of salvation”.




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