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Pope Francis: to the members of the Anti-mafia Investigation Department (DIA), corruption, extortions, drug and arms dealings, human trade are “social plagues”

“Mafia, camorra and ‘ndrangheta, by exploiting economic, social and political deficiencies, find fertile ground to achieve their deplorable plans”. This was reported by the Pope, who gave audience to the members of the Anti-mafia Investigation and Anti-Terrorism Department (DIA) in the Consistory Hall earlier today. “One of your responsibilities is fighting terrorism, which is becoming more and more cosmopolitan and devastating”, Francis went on as he expressed his “appreciation of and encouragement for your work that is difficult, risky but more essential than ever to redeem and free people from the power of the criminal organisations, which commit blood-stained abuse and crimes”. “Society needs to be freed from corruption, extortions, drug and arm dealings, human trade, with so many enslaved children”, the Pope warned: “They are veritable social plagues as well as global challenges that the international community is called to firmly deal with”. Hence the importance of engaging in “such fight, in cooperation with their international counterparts”, as DIA does: “Such work, if carried out in synergism and with concrete means, is an effective dam and a safety measure for the community”, Francis honoured them.

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