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Panama WYD: from 22 to 27 January 2019

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

World Youth Day from 22 to 27 January 2019: it was announced by Archbishop of Panama, Monsignor José Domingo Ulloa Mendieta during today’s press conference in the capital of the country. Msgr. Ulloa grasped the opportunity to confirm the gratitude of Panama’s Church to Pope Francis for choosing Panama as seat of the WYD for 2019. A press release of the archdiocese says the Bishop explained that the date was chosen for climate reasons, above all: “We are aware that in some countries it is not holiday time; however, we believe that will not prevent many thousands of young people living in other continents from coming to Panama to meet Jesus Christ, attracted by our Mother the Virgin Mary, and with the guide of the successor of Peter”. Addressing youth, Msgr. Ulloa said: “You are the real protagonists of this World Youth Day. Panama is waiting for you with open arms and heart to share faith, to feel oneself the Church!”.

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