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Sir: Corrado (editor-in-chief), an agency “at the service of the Italian Church to be its ever-present and ever-improving official voice”

“I hereby express my deepest gratitude to the Italian Bishops’ Conference – in the person of its President, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, of the General Secretary Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, and of the Director of the Office for Social Communications Fr Ivan Maffeis – for having entrusted me, despite my young age, with such a demanding, delicate task,” said Vincenzo Corrado upon his appointment as editor-in-chief of SIR News Agency (Religious News Service) “My thoughts go to my distinguished predecessors Giovanni Fallani, Paolo Bustaffa and Domenico Delle Foglie. We are experiencing a period of major social and cultural changes, that are gradually transforming the media system as a whole. The time that lies ahead of us – Corrado went on -, will be a great challenge that we need to face together, and in this regard SIR is and will continue being present at the service of the Italian Church to be its ever-improving official voice, in close cooperation with other media outlets (Avvenire, Tv2000, Radio InBlu); at the service of local communities, that will continue being a constant reference point through diocesan weeklies; at the service of Europe, to inform on the activity of the Bishops’ Conferences, of ecclesial bodies (CCEE and COMECE), of European institutions and social and cultural organisms; at the service of the world – because – as Pope Francis teaches – we must go out to the geographic and existential peripheries. Hence, at the service of the human person.”

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