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Poland: celebrations for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The main celebrations for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in Poland will take place next Sunday, 22 January, at St Florian’s Cathedral in Warsaw, on the east bank of the Vistula River. The Week, which was inaugurated in Warsaw with the prayer of the Chemin Neuf Community on 12 January, will end on Thursday, 26 January, with an interreligious meeting organised to mark the Day of Islam, introduced into the liturgical calendar of the Polish Church in 2001. It is a Polish tradition to invite preachers from other Christian Churches to the Ecumenical Week. Indeed, today, 19 January, the celebrations in Bialystok – northeast of the country – for the Orthodox Feast of the Lord’s Baptism will be presided over by Archbishop Jakub, Ordinary at the Orthodox Diocese of Bialystok and Gdansk. While Lutheran Bishop Miroslaw Wola delivered the homily at the celebration held yesterday evening in the cathedral of Gorzow. Also yesterday, ecumenism and evangelisation were the topics for discussion at a round table held at the Diocesan Major Seminary of Czestochowa. On 21 January, the Christian faithful will be able to participate in the vespers celebrated by the Orthodox Father Miroslaw Drabiuk at the Orthodox Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa. The parish priest of the Evangelical Church, Fr. Adam Glajcar, will deliver the homily. Attending the celebration will be, among others, the faithful of the Polish Old Catholic Church.



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